Wednesday, October 20th 2004 - [120]A Date in the Park (8 of 15)

Original Commentary
Who needs conversation when you have the flow of the music?

Modern Commentary
It's good to see Kimberly getting out of the house and, more importantly, getting out of her own head. That's what this is about - things can be different. You are not trapped. Life is not an endless cycle of carpools with Emily, re-typing numbers, and sleeping.
It's good to move. It's good to move together.

I just love how much life the art has here. Everything about it. The colors, the trees, the monochrome randos in the background so you know that Brisbane and Kimberly aren't isolated but they remain the focal point. - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.