Sunday, April 24th 2005 - [279]Brisbane's Story (12 of 12)
Original Commentary
It's a good thing that there's a "The End" right there. Otherwise, who knows what might've happened. Actually, Kimberly has her backstory too, which will be seen soon enough - Terrence
Modern Commentary
One marriage and three kids later, she's made good on that promise. least she understood what she did wrong and apologized immediately instead of doubling down on it. It's an error on her part, but it's a recoverable one.
Not too much else to add about this. We don't see Brandie again. We don't know what happened to her. She just never intersected our main characters' lives again.
It's tempting to say she's a bad person and, therefore, had an unpleasant life, but that's not always how things work out. Perhaps she was kinder to other people or perhaps she wasn't. We never had any plans to bring her back or discuss things further. - Terrence