Friday, May 27th 2005 - [308]A Picnic in the Park (23 of 24)
Original Commentary
Yes, I mentioned that I was considering using this gag during the picnic but decided against it. It works much better here; it implies that Emily knows what she's hinting at, as opposed to having her say it with a straight face. This says more about David and Emily's relationship than the probably want you to know. I mean the first two panels, not the last one - Terrence
Modern Commentary
Glad we moved it to the epilogue. Trying to shoehorn this in would've killed the momentum between Emily and Kimberly. Once those two started at each other, there was no stopping them.
So...was Emily not dating Rod long enough for him to get a picnic? Or did she just not invite Kimberly? Or was that what the Halloween Party was for? - Terrence