Sunday, November 13th 2005 - [445]Date-night in (16 of 34)
Original Commentary
I love it when Kimberly uses ambiguous words like "together".
A few days ago, when we were out doing laundry, Isabel wrote the next three weeks of You Say it First. But this comic wound up getting left out and was 75% finished. So tonight she asked me to finish it up. The third panel was mine, to be exact. I was going to have the line be "...instead of being a man and talking to me", but that pulled emotions in the wrong direction. Toughest part was finding enough synonyms for "upset" to make the dialogue seem varied, but not make Kimberly seem like Thesaurus Girl. Isabel had already used the good ones - Terrence
Modern Commentary
Note: Brent does not eat three cans of tuna. He will reject the first two cans of tuna, uneaten. He will, reluctantly, eat the third one since his owners obviously aren't going to feed him anything better today.
Brisbane eats a lot of tuna fish sandwiches for lunch. - Terrence