Monday, February 27th 2006 - [525]Dumpster diving (2 of 3)
Original Commentary
I wrote the outside panels first. Isabel and I talked about the structure of this comic before it was written. Isabel visualized it so that you could hear both ends of the conversation, but I liked the way it worked with just Sofia's side
Body oil is, of course, the stuff that wrestlers apply to make themselves look shiny. I'm not sure if Lola was asking about it as a potential problem or a potential solution. I know that olive oil can be good for pets - helps with hairballs in cats. I know that mineral oil can be bad for pets. I'm not sure what's in body oil, actually.
And to answer your question about the last panel, yes, Sofia would've said that even if Brent weren't in the trash - Terrence
Modern Commentary
I like when we show one side of a phone conversation and leave the other one to your imagination. - Terrence