Sunday, March 12th 2006 - [535]Relationships: part two (6 of 18)

Original Commentary

Ah, yes, the guest bedroom. Had to mention it somewhere, you know. I really like the disappointed expression on Robert in the last panel. But Jane has thought this through a lot further than Robert. Could Robert get Jane a job in the IT department? Almost certainly not considering her lack of computer knowledge. Only so far you can go without knowing anything about your job - Terrence

Modern Commentary
Yes, Robert wants to have what Brisbane and Kimberly have.

Apart from the whole "Brisbane ghosts Kimberly for a month" thing, I mean.

They haven't gone full "business-oriented power couple" yet, but they're on the way there.

And I like how this shows how Robert is a lot more serious about this relationship than Jane is, and he's pushing kinda hard here. - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.