Monday, May 8th 2006 - [584]The Solar Globe (13 of 24)
Original Commentary
It was Isabel's idea for Brisbane to be a dancer, I think on the principal that he'd look silly when he danced. Characters can have up to two jobs. Most do. BAdams gained the 10 levels of dancer first, then switched to thief exclusively. Rob_64, on the other hand, has been distributing levels intermittently between his Knight and Soldier classes. Brisbane's combination isn't terribly effective. GodzillaTheMovie started as a Battle Wizard then put his next 7 levels into gladiator to make leveling up easier - Battle Wizards are very powerful at higher levels, but they have practically no offensive power when they start. Silver_Blossom gained the Blue Wizard levels gradually, to enhance her cleric abilities. Soldier and Blue Wizard are designed to be second jobs - they're weak but give very nice bonuses to other powers - Terrence
Modern Commentary
The job system is heavily influenced by Final Fantasy Tactics. And the thief class draws from Dungeons and Dragons' thieves who could pick locks, climb walls, move silently, hide in shadows, and do all kinds of other sneaky things.
It also pulls a bit from AD&D 3rd Edition multiclassing, where whenever you leveled up you could choose any class to put that level into.
Brisbane has totally been hardmoding it through the game. Not on purpose; there are folks who have made decent YouTube careers doing this. Brisbane just missed a tutorial dialogue somewhere - Terrence