Friday, March 2nd 2007 - [804]A good question (7 of 14)

Original Commentary

This comic took me forever. I'm surprised I didn't rub a hole through the paper with the way I keept erasing and redrawing that middle panel (and as some of you may know, I don't erase on these things... it's usually not worth the effort it takes, but with this comic, I made an exception). While one of my many attempts at drawing the kissing panel, the song "Always" (by Atlantic Star) came on... it was a very chick flick moment, I must say. I managed to get the panel finished by the end of the song... they played a lot of romantic huggy-kissy sort of songs on the radio today... or at least, they stood out to me more today.

The orgional script did not have the kiss, panel one was panel two, but panel three was still panel 3. Panel one basically (I don't have the exact, script, but that's how it goes sometimes) Brisbane: "The point is... I love you, let's get married" and , of course she agrees (again). I felt this way was better and more romantic. -Isabel

Modern Commentary
And we're back to a five-day-a-week schedule, starting mid-week!

We really should have planned that schedule thing better.

But I really, really like the last panel there. - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.