Wednesday, May 9th 2007 - [857]Jane's gift (5 of 9)
Original Commentary
Robert and Jane have a lot of backstory. Most of it still hasn't been written down. I intend for it to make its way into the comic, in one way or's not one of those stories that gets referenced but never told. It's just that Robert doesn't particularly like telling it - he obviously doesn't come across looking good. And that Robert and Jane have to compete with Brisbane and Kimberly for comic time. Robert and Jane usually lose - Terrence
Modern Commentary
That's just weak, past Terrence. It sucks but it's not - in and of itself - unforgiveable. I think I was going for a more involved thing, but we had drawn this out enough.
Eh. "Their backstory will make them interesting" doesn't usually work. Either you care about who they are enough to investigate who they were or you don't.
Isabel understood that. That's why the Robert and Jane stories she wrote turned out so much better than the ones I did.
- Terrence