Friday, June 1st 2007 - [867]Congratulations (6 of 7)
Original Commentary
So, Lola was single and allowed to adopt? Yes, she was. That's how it works in Hippedown, apparently. And should I have come up with a better name than "Hammerin' Hank"? No. I don't watch wrestling, but I occasionally drop by the toy aisle. Most of the wrestlers there, the ones who are good enough to get their own action figure, have normal names. I miss the days when you'd have the Ultimate Warrior, Hunk Hogan, Andre the Giant, The Undertaker, Rowdy Roddy Piper. Now, those were names that you remember. If the comic was set twenty years ago, I would've come up with a better name for him. It isn't, so Hammerin' Hank it is - Terrence
Modern Commentary
So, did Hammerin' Hank wear the dress as a gimmick, match condition, or penalty for losing?
None of the above. He grabbed the wrong bag when he left home, thought that one of the other wrestlers had pranked him, and decided the best move was to just to roll with it.
- Terrence