Tuesday, August 15th 2006 - [657]The troublesome trouble of Ms. Taylor (49 of 64)
Shareholders Meeting

Original Commentary

I really enjoyed how this plot point turned out. Terrence managed to make Brisbane mature from the situation, taking the bull by the horns, but in his own, still-very-Brisbane-like manner.

I suggested a line for this comic, but Terrence decided against it. I won't go to into details because, like always, just because we reject an idea once doesn't mean it won't be perfect at a later date. All I'll say is it was rejected because there were other board members in the room.

Brisbane's bare boned plan was to call all the stock holders (as seen in this comic) and tell them about the stock holders meeting (which, at this point of time was still much later that day). I'm not sure if he asked Mr. Taylor especially to come, but I'm sure Brisbane felt he was especially needed (if anything for Kimberly). I'm sure that the only reason Mr. Taylor did show up was because Kimberly was so deep over her head. Mr. Taylor coming to his daughter's aid on this short of a notice means that he was nearby enough to attend the meting (although this may actually be no big deal- neither Terrence or myself know where Mr. Taylor is currently calling home). One thing is for sure though, neither Mr. or Miz Taylor expected their day to end up like this.-Isabel

Modern Commentary
Brisbane is remarkably lucky. He kinda swung wild on this plan. Kimberly would have had to choose whether or not to make a stand against her mother - and Kimberly isn't ready to do that yet but this might be the best chance that everyone has.

What if Mr. Taylor had his own set of plans? Dude usually has a variety of risky business schemes lined up, and Kimberly could have just as easily been put in the middle of more problems - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.